Black Egg's Social Galaxy at Samsung 837

For my last show control class of the semester, we did a field trip to very cool project my former student Michael Sauder had worked on: the Black Egg's Social Galaxy at the Samsung 837 experience store in Manhattan's meat packing district.  The "store" is interesting, since nothing is sold there, but instead is a venue for events, product demonstration, and technical support. 

The Social Galaxy is a temporary art piece in the store, entirely composed of Samsung displays. When you enter, they ask your instagram account (mine is jhuntingtonnyc).  Your pictures and keywords are then sucked into the system and displayed and spoken down the tunnel.  When the next person comes in, your pictures are moved down the tunnel, and so on.  It's pretty cool and keeps getting extended, but it's not going to be there forever so I suggest seeing it soon.


Meow Wolf's House of Eternal Return in Sante Fe - Wow!!!


Show Networks Presentation at the 11th HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth) Conference