Orlando 2015 Show Control Case Studies and Geekout during Infocomm Wrapup

On Thursday, nearly 40 people attended my and Jim Janninck's fourth free case studies session and geekout during Infocomm!  This year, the Melrose Center at the public library in downtown Orlando was our excellent host) and they said this was one of the best-attended events they've had.  

Jim got things started off:

Up first (running order changed due to traffic jam) was Joseph White, CTS(-D as of Infocomm!) of Alcorn McBride, who talked about the DreamPlay by DreamWorks in the City of Dreams Manila which runs on Alcorn show control systems.

Up next was Paul D. Henderson, Ph.D. and Justin Hames from Wave, talking about the Lifepoint Church in Fredericksburg, VA, which has a large system based on Medialon Manager.

After that was Tyler Gothier, CTS, talking about the QLab based Celebrate America fireworks show.

After that was Kevin Zevchik of AV Stumpfl talking about their show control retrofit of the the T-Rex Cafe at the new Disney Springs (formally Downtown Disney).

At the end, I gave away a copy of my book to a randomly-chosen audience member.  The event was totally open to the public, and it's cool that the winner was James Elmer, who doesn't work (yet!) in our business but was a member of the library and thought this would be a cool thing to check out!

It was a really fun event, and afterwards a group of us went out for drinks and dinner. We'll likely do it again during Infocomm in Las Vegas in 2016. Please propose a talk on your project! 


AVB and Audinate's Dante: An Update After Infocomm 2015


Geekout on Thursday at Orlando during Infocomm!