Control Geek Blog 6 Years Old!

Hard to believe, but this blog has now been going 6 years today! You can view my first entries (with lots of broken links and missing graphics) here. I started the blog before Facebook become really popular, so I used to post a lot of funny videos and so on. These days I post about once a week or so, and generally only when I have something original to share, or something else happens that I want to put into context. I had moved a lot of photography onto the page a couple of years ago, but earlier this year I moved all my day to day photography onto my Facebook Photography Page. You can also see my photo highlights galleries on the links at the top of this page (check back soon because I'm redoing that in the next few days).

What's amazing to me is that Google analytics says I've had more than 27,000 unique visits just in the last year! That's what keeps me going, since I rarely get any feedback; if you like this or have constructive suggestions, please drop me a line using the contact form. Thanks to everyone for reading! 


Been Busy--Just a Reminder About Photos


Yet Another Snow Falling in Brooklyn Time Lapse