Controlling the Weigl ProCommander 2 From Medialon Manager

I've been evaluating the Weigl ProCommander 2 and Venue Magic SC+ software for animatronic control, and together they look like a solid solution.  You can program your show in Venue Magic controlling the Procommander outputs in real time:

Then you can export the show (audio edits don't export, unfortunately) out to a Micro SD card from your computer, and then stick that card in the ProCommander.  then, you can run the show directly from the ProCommander over the network.  To test this out, I wrote a little Medialon Manager test program that spits out Weigl protocol messages over IP:

I pounded the system over the network pretty hard, and (once I worked through a few misunderstandings about the system) it seemed pretty solid.  You can download my little test Manager program here, and the Medialon Low Level Communicator driver file here.  Manager also has a free demo mode.


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