Storm Chasing in Pennsylvania

On my way back from the Westtown reunion, the weather was looking like a few severe storms might be possible in central/southern PA, so I decided to chase them on the way home.  I caught this cell somewhere north of Lebanon (unfortunatey I lost my GPS log) before it got a severe warning:

I drove through it:

And after I cleared the cell, it got a severe warning.  I headed back to try and catch it, but I drove right north out of data coverage, but into an interesting area near Hawk Mountain where the storm met me:

I had some obstacles along the way:

I got back into cell coverage, and headed east and got out in front of another severe-warned cell in Nazareth:

The storm seemed to have a bit of slow rotation (shown here at 32x speed):

And the beginnings of a what looked like a hook on the radar (the white dot in the circle is me):

But there wasn't enough oomph in the atmosphere to do more, so I headed off and caught a nice double rainbow east of Nazareth:

I stayed with the storm system back through New Jersey, where it eventually fizzled out and I headed home to Brooklyn.  More photos here.


Apocal-oops Now! Rapture BBQ Time Lapse


Westtown School