Time Warner Center "Holiday Under The Stars" Light Show

I really try not to spend much time in shopping malls, especially in Manhattan, but I love sound and light shows.  So, I stopped by the Time Warner Center (or, more pretentiously, "The Shops at Columbus Circle") and checked out the "Holiday Under The Stars" light show, designed by my old friend Ted Mather (who I worked with twice in the last year or so at the Museum at Bethel Woods (Woodstock) and the The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Annex).  Each of the stars is filled with color controllable LED's and it's pretty cool:

Unfortunately, I saw a weekday show so I didn't see the indoor snow written up by Live Design Magazine here.

Interestingly, the folks from "Anonymous" were protesting in front of the building the night I stopped by.  I asked, and it turns out that they were there since Scientologist and general nut job Tom Cruise was premiering his movie inside.


Grand Central Holiday Lights


Economy Pulls a Britney